New program reveals how to prevent a heart attack without restricting food so you can have more energy, feel healthier and live a longer life

Dear Friends,
If you would like to achieve a healthy heart so you can live a long and happy life, even if you can’t stand the taste of kale and legumes…
This will be the most exciting letter you read all year.
Here’s why:
But before we go any further, out of respect for your time I want to be totally honest with you.
My approach to heart health is not about dieting or restriction.
It is about abundance!
Contrary to what many people believe, achieving great heart health is not a result of simply eating less greasy foods. Focusing on deprivation is what makes a way of eating extremely difficult to stick to.
So, if you’re looking for a gruelling diet that prescribes strict rules and leaves you feeling miserable - I am not the nutrition coach for you.
On the other hand, if you’re excited by the idea of learning from an experienced dietitian so you can achieve great heart health in a way the whole family will enjoy, keep reading…
I want to introduce you to Mary Beth
Not only is her story inspiring but it really goes to show just how possible it is for you to eat for heart health even if you’re short on time.
Mary Beth was recently diagnosed with high cholesterol and at very high risk of having a heart attack.
She’s a mum, wife, daughter and friend. At 62, she’s not ready to miss out on everything that’s still to come for her. Retirement, grandchildren, holidays and special moments with friend.
After working together for just 6 weeks, here’s what she had to say:
Veronica Rouse, The Heart Dietician, was an amazing educator, cheerleader, and superb support system while going through this program. I learned so much about how to take control of my food choices for total body health in a way that did not feel punitive or restrictive but rather creative and life-giving with new foods introduced, and some mainstay foods with some "add-ins", that were enjoyable to eat. I am so thankful to have found the Heart Health Academy.
Mary Beth is now equipped for life with the skills, tools and knowledge she needs to reverse her high cholesterol and prevent a heart attack. This can be your reality as well.
Sure you can Google for the answers and trial & error your way through without investing in expert support but if that worked, I’m guessing you wouldn’t be reading this letter right now.
There is an array of inaccurate and outdated heart health advice online. The Heart Health Academy by The Heart Dietitian is a place you can trust. I can say that so confidently because this is my life’s work.
So, what do you say…
Are you ready to invest in your health and learn how to eat for heart attack prevention in a way that allows you to still enjoy favourite foods without restriction?
I’ve broken down the entire system, everything you need (including recipes, meal plans, factsheets and more!) into a highly supported 6 week program called the Heart Health Academy.
It’s the system I’ve used to help thousands of women improve their cholesterol, blood pressure and overall heart health and it can help you too.
And instead of actually eating the foods that will lower cholesterol, she spent most of her time saving recipes, scrolling Instagram, clipping news articles and going down google rabbit holes to learn more about how to implement a heart healthy diet.
She didn’t get into spending her free time researching the latest heart healthy trends because she had lots of time and wanted a new hobby. She wanted to do the right things in order to lower her cholesterol with food!
She knew she had all of the information at her fingertips but it was confusing and conflicting - and honestly, she didn't have the energy to figure it out, let alone make a plan to actually implement it!
"What if I can never eat red meat or sugar again? My husband will never agree to this plan."
"How will I get my kids on board?"
"I will never be able to restrict sugar forever, maybe I'll start next Monday after my daughters birthday."
She joined the HHA and in just 6 weeks she was easily and confidentially adding more heart healthy foods into her diet, she no longer had to spend hours meal planning and her energy increased too.
She wanted to be healthier, have more energy, stop having weight watchers points control her life but she also wanted to lose the weight the doctor told her she needed too.
“I don't want to try another diet, but maybe I'll finally lose the weight by being intuitive”
She took the jump and enrolled in HHA.
Jackie tried incorporating mindfulness, and quickly realized it was different than what she expected it to be.
She was shifting the way she thought about food and changed her relationship with food, her body and her LIFE.
She learned that eating for heart health was more than just focusing on what she ate and how much she ate, but it was also about self-love, self-worth and self-trust because there is a lot more to changing health behaviors that just focusing on what you eat.
But she wanted to lose weight - and keep it off for the long term. Not the ‘lose a bunch of weight and have it rebound’ kinda stuff.
“I want to eat healthy - but I don’t want to give up pizza and pasta”
I showed her how feeling good (and losing weight!) is about simple changes. And things that work for her AND her family - because everyone wants pizza night :)
It doesn’t mean you have to change everything in your day, it’s about small tweaks and do-able shifts to keep changes sustainable in the long term.
Which brings me to a story I want to share with you about a client I was working with earlier this year and how the Heart Health Academy helped her to get organized and gain clarity about the different ways she could introduce heart healthy ingredients to her family's meals.
As a busy mum, Bonnie was struggling to prepare meals the kids would enjoy but that also helped her prevent a heart attack. She joined the Heart Health Academy hoping to learn more about what she needed to eat for heart health so she could enjoy a long happy life with her kids.
By the end of the 6 weeks Bonnie was set up with an easy to follow meal plan that made preparing in advance a breeze! This saved her time and gave her peace of mind that the meals her and her family were eating were both delicious and heart friendly.
Here’s what Bonnie had to say at the end of the program:
The Heart Health Academy provided me with the knowledge and skills to better plan for meal preparation. I am now equipped with meal ideas and suggestions for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I know what I should be including on my plate to make it balanced and to promote a healthy heart. Each week, Veronica presented information on different topics and we were given adequate time to watch these videos and to learn before each weekly check-in call. My favorite part of this program was the meal plans Veronica provided each week that were detailed and personalized. If you are looking for ways to follow a heart healthy diet, then this program will be perfect for you!
Inspiring, right?
This truly is possible for you too.
You CAN feel confident about your food choices and heart health again.
You CAN prevent a heart attack and enjoy a long happy life with your family and friends.
This is all made possible in just 6 weeks with the Heart Health Academy.
My dietitian designed, proven roadmap to preventing a heart attack while eating delicious foods without restriction.
The exact roadmap that helped my clients get the results you just read about and that took me years of clinical experience and research to put together.
This program is dramatically different to any heart health program or dietitian consult you may have experienced before.
It’s not just sending you a meal plan and then leaving you on your own to figure it all out by yourself (although you do get super helpful, personalised plans throughout the 6 weeks!).
And it’s not just a jam packed consultation where you’re bombarded with information and left with no real plan or system to follow.
It’s a powerful combination of expert support, video trainings, factsheets, recipes and meal plans that will take you from confusion to clarity and confidence in the next 6 weeks.
Eating for heart health will become so simple and delicious, you’ll wonder how you ever lasted this long without the HHA resources and plans!
Each module of the program gets straight to the point and shows you in detail how to master that step of the HHA system.
At every point you get access to online video lessons, downloadable resources and nutrition coaching from The Heart Dietitian, Veronica Rouse, so you never feel alone, confused or off track. In fact, this is what one HHA sent to me recently:
I truly felt so supported by you throughout the course and especially when technology issues came up or just random questions would come to mind, I knew I could reach out to you by email and get a timely response. I sometimes wished I had a cell phone number I could quickly text...with photos of my dinner plate. :)
Here’s how the HHA system works:
Over the 6 weeks inside HHA you will be guided through the 3 M’s of optimal heart health: Mastery, Mindset & Monitoring. Within each M there are step by step modules and resources to make it so straight forward and so simple, you won’t even notice how much you’re learning!
Let me break it down so you can see just how much value you’re really getting in this program.
Week 1: Mastery (Heart Healthy Eating Introduction)
• Discover what heart healthy eating really means including the exact foods you need to be eating and how much / how often
• Optimise your diet for cholesterol and blood pressure reduction with these 4 forgotten foods
• Establish a meal planning routine that is so simple you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. You’ll have yours set up and ready to use during week one of HHA
• Full nutrition analysis by Veronica to evaluate and gain a deep understanding of your individual nutrition needs. This data is then translated into an easy to follow heart attack prevention nutrition plan
• Create your Back Pocket List. This is my secret sauce strategy that makes the right nutrition choices a breeze when preventing a heart attack.
• Take the time and hassle out of grocery shopping with the HHA ‘print & go’ menu plans & shopping lists - all done for you!
Week 2: Mastery (Heart Healthy Eating Advanced)
• The one thing every woman needs to know about preventing a heart attack
• Why beans and fish are key to heart health and how to enjoy them as part of the meals you’re already eating
• Instant access to the HHA habit tracker to create change for life
• Build your veggie strategy so you can increase vegetable intake with ease. My clients love this and I’m certain you will too!
Week 3: Mastery (Meal Preparation and Planning)
• Think you have to spend hours in the grocery store to find heart healthy products? You don’t! Discover the key things to look for, my top recommended breakfast, lunch and dinner products and how to navigate the grocery store with efficiency and ease.
• Meal plan that’s broken down to give you ideas for every meal of the day. Learn how to build a heart healthy plate from the ground up, even in social settings!
• The secret to meal planning (and sticking to it!)
Week 4: Mastery & Beyond
• How to eat heart healthy meals as you age. There are three important things to consider nutrition wise as you age and they all affect heart health.
• The simple trick to help you stay off of diets and enjoying life
• Energy boosting foods you need to know about!
• 5 key vitamins every woman must to consider when preventing a heart attack
• The HHA hydration plan to make hitting your water intake goals easy and enjoyable
• My signature Joyful Movement Experience. You’ll discover how to enjoy movement and gain bigger and better mental and physical health benefits for your heart health journey
Week 5: Mindfulness (Food freedom and managing emotional eating)
• The strategy no-one is talking about but is the key to making food choices that nourish your body and support heart health. We’ll deep dive into this strategy and how you can start applying it right away to see results
• Did you know there are different types of hunger? Learn what they are and how they differ so you can regain full control during your heart health journey
• How meal timings impact heart health. Discover the right amount of time to spend eating and the best amount of gap to have between meals to prevent a heart attack
• The 5 key steps to making mindfulness a habit
• The types of mindfulness crucial for preventing a heart attack. In week 5 you will discover how to practice each of these types of mindfulness and incorporate them into your lifestyle for long lasting results
Week 6: Monitoring
• Create a vision for your health. This is the secret to staying motivated and focused on your health journey
• The power of positive self talk. You will build confidence and improve self esteem with my self-compassion focused lessons and my ‘better than perfection’ approach
• The role of self worth in your relationship with food and your body. Many people struggle with their relationship with food and body because they tie self worth to their ability to control what they eat. In week 6 you will develop a healthier sense of self-worth and in turn enjoy a more positive relationship with food and your body.
• Personalised food diary review and feedback from Veronica, The Heart Dietitian
• The step-by-step checklist for what to do when you feel stuck. Avoid slipping back into old habits and keep your heart health journey on track
Next group starting January 9th 2024
That's just skimming the surface of what’s inside the online learning portal! In addition to all of that, you’re also getting access to:
6 x Weekly Group Coaching Calls
• Deep dive into the topic of the week, guided by Veronica, The Heart Dietitian
• Fun and interactive lessons to help you deploy the HHA system successfully
• Peace of mind knowing you are learning from a Registered Heart ealth ietitian
• Save time and energy sifting through millions of search results about what and how to eat to prevent a heart attack. Veronica has done all the hard work for and packaged everything you need into the Heart Health Academy
• Weekly Q&A to have your questions answered so you never feel alone or are left guessing
• Stay accountable to Veronica, yourself and the other ladies in your HHA group
• Meet and connect with other women on their heart health journey who are working toward the same goals as you
• A tight-knit sense of community and support. This is honestly the most loved part of the HHA program because we all just have so much fun getting together on these calls!
6 x Weekly Menu Plans + Shopping Lists
• Budget-Friendly
• Balanced Nutrition
• Stress Reduction
• Variety in Diet
• Consistent Healthy Eating
You’re right! That's a lot of proven and practical strategies that are working right now for women wanting excellent heart health.
But all of this is really just a start because when you join Heart Health Academy today you’re also getting access to these incredible bonuses valued at over $650 CAN!, completely FREE:
Bonus 1: Food Diary Review ($479 CAN VALUE)
• Expert Analysis
• Specific Nutrient Consumption
• Detect Nutritional Gaps
• Tailored Feedback
• Motivation
Bonus 2: 200 Pack Recipe Bundle ($149 CAN VALUE)
• Recipes For Each Food Grouping - vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish, nuts/seeds
• Diverse Meal Options
• Nutritional Balance
• Ease of Preparation
• Inspiration
• Adaptable and Can Be Easily Modified
Bonus 3: Heart Healthy Eating Out Guide ($37 CAN VALUE)
• Learn How To Navigate Menus For Informed Choices
• Exact Examples When In a Rush
• Reduced Temptations When Planning Ahead
• Social Enjoyment Without Compromising Heart Health
Your investment for the entire Heart Health Academy program plus all of the nutrition coaching, custom plans and $665 CAN of bonuses is just one payment $697 CAN or do a payment plan of 2 monthly instalments of just $349 CAN
As soon as you confirm your spot today via payment, you will be sent an email to confirm registration and next steps as the first group call is scheduled for January 9th at 12PM EST.
You will have immediate access to everything right after you complete payment and checkout.
I 100% guarantee you’ll be blown away by exactly how much this program does for your heart health.
I’m certain this will be the BEST investment you’ve made in your health to date. But if for whatever reason that’s not the case…
I’m giving you ultimate peace of mind to give the HHA a try.
You can sign up today, enjoy the first week of the program. Dive into the menu plans and even attend our first group meeting and if it doesn’t blow you away, send me an email to [email protected] and I’ll refund you in full, no questions asked.
You can even keep everything from our first week together and all of the bonuses as my way to apologize for the inconvenience. That's how confident I am that this will be a decision you won’t ever regret.
Sound fair?
You really have nothing to lose by giving this opportunity a try and diving into the HHA today.
Imagine waking up every morning knowing that your meals are planned and you’re making the best choices for a long happy life that’s free from a heart attack.
Imagine the confidence you will feel knowing you have expert support at your fingertips for all those niggling questions that pop up day to day.
And that you are part of a supportive community of women who have the same goals as you.
All you need to do is click the button on this page and join the Heart Health Academy today.
Your payment will confirm you place in the program and you will be immediately emailed access to everything you need to get started. Then, keep an eye on your email because I will be in touch with details about our first meeting together.
But please do this now while the doors are still open and I still have places available.
The Heart Health Academy is strictly limited to a small group of women so I can guarantee you the best experience and the highest level of support.
For that reason, I can’t guarantee how much longer this opportunity will be available because I can only take on a small number of women at a time.
Click the button on this page today and secure your place.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I cannot wait to welcome you inside the HHA!
The Heart Dietitian
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who skip to the end, here’s the deal…
I’m giving you my exact proven roadmap to prevent a heart attack without restriction. I’ve packaged everything into a program called the Heart Health Academy and doors are currently open with limited spots available in the next group.
When you click the button on this page and complete payment, you’re getting the entire heart attack prevention system, including group nutrition coaching, personalised meal plans, recipes and more!
But that’s not all…
Because I want as many women as possible to benefit from the life changing resources inside this program, I am offering a 100% money back guarantee after your first 7 days if you’re not blown away by everything inside the HHA program.
You can even keep the bonuses and materials from our first week together as my way of apologizing for the inconvenience!
But time is of the essence. I’m only able to take on a small group of women at a time, after all I’m just one person offering a ton of support to give you the best experience possible.
Secure your spot in the HHA now by clicking the button on this page and completing payment. You’ll then be emailed everything you need so you can dive in and get started right away.
Click the button on this page to secure your spot and I can’t wait to meet you soon, you won’t regret it!
The Heart Dietitian